Our Services

A close up of the machine going through the stitching process


Midwest Embroidery is a full-service contract embroiderer.


Embroidery is the craft of decorating materials using a needle to apply thread in a design or logo.

Our state-of-the-art embroidery machines are the reason we’re able to fulfill both large and small orders.

We embroider all types of bags, blankets and apparel. From hats to t-shirts, hoodies, business shirts, sweatshirts, sports jerseys, jackets and anything else you can think of.

a close up of a tajima embroidery machine working on blue hats


Also known as puff embroidery, or 3D foam embroidery.


This is a technique where foam is inserted under the top stitch to raise the surface, giving a three-dimensional look to embroidery designs.

The 3D puff effect is commonly used on garments that don’t require much washing. Apparel like caps, jackets and other outerwear are pieces that are best suited for this technique.

Screenprinting Machine, M&R 12 color


We now offer a screenprinting!


After many requests from clients, as of July 1st 2023, we now have screenprinting machines that can print up to 10 colors.

Screenprinting is a decoration method of printing layers of colors one at a time. This is usually the most cost effective method of decoration.

By adding this service to our existing lineup, Midwest Embroidery is now a full-service facility. No need to split up your orders between decorators.

A close up of black tshirts being embroidered


Our poly-bagging service is useful for a few reasons.


These options will provide you with the capability of having your items securely, efficiently packaged, and ready for shipment.

Our polybagging service also ensures that your goods wont be exposed to the elements while in transit. We use high quality, clear polybags to securely package your items and protect them during shipping.

Once your items are polybagged, they are ready to be shipped to your customers in professional looking packages. Our polybagging service is reliable, secure, and costeffective. It will help you provide the best possible service to your customers.

Logo Samples. Multiple samples on a table.


We offer a dropshipping service for our customers who want to take their business to the next level.


Our dropshipping service will provide you with the convenience of having your embroidery items shipped directly to your customers. All without the need for you to pick it up, box it, and ship it yourself.

We will handle all of the shipping and tracking of your orders. Now you can spend more time creating the best possible experience for your customers.

With our service, you can be sure that your customers will receive their items quickly and without any hassle. We offer competitive rates and will work with you to ensure your success.

Round Badge. Midwest Embroidery and 5 stars around the edge, MW in the middle


At Midwest Embroidery,


we offer a service for customers to digitize their customers logos for embroidery. We use the latest technology to ensure that your logo is accurately digitized and ready for embroidery. Our team will take your logo, scan it, and create a highquality stitch file. This will ensure perfect results on any garment put into production on our machines.

We understand that having your order embroidered is a timesensitive process. Thats why we strive to ensure that your logo is digitized quickly and accurately.

We will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are satisfied with the results. 

The more we do for you, the less you have to do for the customer. Let us “Make You Look Great!”


Most of our client-partners use multiple services. General Embroidery is only a small part of the picture. As we’ve grown our operation, we’ve been doing more of the auxiliary services. Drop-shipping and poly-bagging have become great options for Client-Partners. First we do the embroidery. Afterwards, we can bag them and even put labels or names on the bag. Then we can ship to its final destination, your happy customers!


Contact us if you would like to know more about a specific service. As well as any general questions about the process.

Contact page


If you’re curious about what top-quality embroidery looks like, check out our gallery. Theres some great up-close pictures.

Gallery page


Furthermore, if you aren’t familiar with drop-shipping, check out how Shopify describes it below:

What is Dropshipping and How Does it Work? (2023)

Shield logo with letter MW, a sewing needle, Midwest Embroidery, We Make You Look Great!